expand out and around...

I felt that the basic table could be expanded... as so... although I am not sure if 'legal' :) But part of my playing nonetheless...

And then I thought... or pictured... 3D aspects!

I was picturing this in two directions - in and out.

In short, on drawing out the grid, I wondered about placing the numbers on the intersections of the grid, as opposed to the inner spaces....
Not sure how to explain - but will attempt to sure in images.

...from out to in...

I am working on the out version - it's just a lot more single frames than the inward version - that and I have the feeling I messed up somewhere along the way :)
I will say that I am having a great feeling towards metatrons cube from this - feel like I am close to what I am picturing... 
...will need to get this on some 3D software too, to test it out.

Has anyone played with multiplying in place of adding?


1 2  =  3
6 7  =  1 3  =  4


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 0 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8
  0 8 3 7 2 6 1 5

...and so on...

1 2  =  2
6 7  =  4 2  =  6


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 0 2 6 3 2 3 6 2 9
  0 3 9 6 6 9 3 9

...and so on...

makes more sense for the 0's to result as the encapsulating face's and vertices...

When  9 is next to another number (N) - the difference from the above methods results as so:

9  X  N  = 9
9  +  N  =  N

How I would interpret... well... opposites... so I am thinking my grid could be adjusted to include addition and multiplication - it's on the to do list :) unless something thinks no worth?

----------> response from godlikeproductions anonymous member...

"Adding verses multiplying....+ vs X

What is an is a Diagnal + is it not?

What happens if you looked at the matrix diagnally istead?

Take your 2x2 matrix and make a diamond in it...turn it 45 degrees, the diamond becomes a square.

now check your multiplication and how does it relate to your original matrix

There is a reason the first matrix has a plus running through it. Make an X through it and examine that.

Remember...the numbers draw the shapes and symbols...this isnt math...its communication and language..."