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"Anthropologists may have found that the planetary grid of Earth is an icosahedron by mapping high magnetic field locations in anomaly zones such as the Bermuda Triangle. The icosahedron is the shape of Archangel Metatron’s cube (Sphere of creation), which is a sacred geometric energy form that includes all other forms including the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, the golden ration, the golden spiral, Phi, tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron and the dodecahedron. Archangel Metatron’s cube has shown up in many traditions throughout history from the ancient Tibetan Book of the Dead, Freemasons, Judaism, in the shape water & diseases, etc. Archangel Metatron is believed by many ancient civilizations to be the right hand being of God/universal consciousness in the creation process. If we live in an icosahedron grid, then everything people focus on with their emotions & thoughts will manifest at a faster rate than before we entered the higher vibrating Sphere. A person’s fears may manifest first to release karmic debt and then positive experiences start surfacing to create loving experiences. So if someone has been deceiving others and fearful of their secrets surfacing, then such fears will surface so they can be forgiven or transcended. We may live in an era where all truths surface so we can start co-creating more beautiful experiences through a unified collective consciousness. This is why it’s important to live a life guided by your higher self than by your ego and live from your heart guiding your mind. Some may have a hard time working through their karmic fears in this era.
“The Planetary Grid A New Synthesis” by William Becker, Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Illinois, Chicago and Bethe Hagens, Professor of Anthropology at Governors State University.
“1987 Planetary Grid Update” by Bethe Hagens, Professor of Anthropology at Governors State University.
“Planetary Grid System” by Christopher Bird.
“Earth Grids: Planetary Metaphysics”
“The Grid” by Token Rock
“Earth Grid Research”
Very brief Wikipedia history of Archangel Metatron’s Cube. The Flower of Life is believed to be the first completed pattern of life formed out of sonic vibrations from the basic Seed of Life structure created by God. These patterns show up in various religious artworks throughout indigenous mandala artwork such as seen in ancient Tibetan Buddhism, ancient Egyptian, and many more much older traditions. The strongest sacred geometric shape known is Metatron’s Cube a.k.a the Sphere of Creation, which all other forms such as the Flower of Life, Seed of Life, tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron and the dodecahedron fit into the 5th element, which is Archangel Metatron’s icosahedron cube. The mathematical formulas of Phi, Fibonacci, Golden Ratio, and the Golden Spiral can be mapped consistently in all sacred geometric forms. Archangel Metatron is believed to be the scribe of God or consciousness’s right hand being in creation.
“Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron’s Cube” and “Sacred Geometry 101F (Part 2): Pi - Phi - Fibonacci Sequence” by Charles Gilchrist. Here are the cliff notes for you if you don’t need to review the mathematical proof. We are all interconnected. We’re all one. We are all energy as mapped by the sacred geometric math in the creation of the sound waves of your spiral coiled DNA. You’re living a delusion by choice in this holographic universe if you think you’re separate from others and using whatever old dated constructs to justify such delusions. WAKE UP! "
-----------from a godlikeproductions post
Distance is importnat, but so is number position
For example,,,there are connections to the fact that a number falls into a certain place in sequence on the chart (this is interdimensional)
Example: multiples of 7 are:
7 14 21 28 35 42 56 63
Lets take the number 35.
Now notice that 35 is 3+5 = 8
35 is the 5th position on the sequence.
We have 5 (position) 8 (matrix sum) and 7 (starting number)
we can reorder these 6 different ways:
578 587 758 785 857 875
Our divergence is at 35 or rather 8 (3 + 5 = 8)
Now lets look at the multiples of 5,7 and 8:
5's Multiples: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
5's Matrix sums: 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7's Multiples: 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
7's Matrix sums: 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8's Multiples: 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
8's Matrix sums: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Notice that for 5's multples the 7th position is 35.
Notice that for 5's matrix sums the 7th position is 8.
Notice for 7's multiples the 5th position is 35.
Notice that for 7's matrix sums the 5th position is 8.
Notice that for 8's Multiples AND matrix sum...the number 8 is in the first position...
If we look at the same positions for both 5 and 7 we get 5 and 7.
The positions correspond to their counterparts. (Position 1 is the nexus)
Look at 8's Matrix sum:
8 is at postion 1. So what Position is 1 at? = 8
The way this works is a 369 pattern...a trisection of points.
It goes like this: number number position (repeating)
So lets follow the rabbit and see what we get...
5's Multiples: 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
5's Matrix sums: 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7's Multiples: 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
7's Matrix sums: 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8's Multiples: 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
8's Matrix sums: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Remember, use number number position...
on 5's matrix sums 578 are at positions 1,5 and 7
Since we are on 5's matrix sum...lets start with postion 5
Going to each corresponding position on each matrix sum for 5's and 7's and 8's we get 7 8 4
But remember we are using number number position
so the number 4 is not a number its a position
and whats the number at the 4th position on that sequence? its 5
So now go up and we get 5 1 2 ....but 2 is the position
goto position 2 and we see a 1
now go down, and we get 1 5 7....7 is the position
goto 7 and we get 2 and continue....248
...248 gives 421
...421 gives 875
...and 875 brings right back to the 7 that we started with.
Whats missing in this whole repeating cycle? 369!
notice some strange things about our pattern sequence though...
3 numbers across...
6 numbers down...
9 is the middle sum (5 + 4)
add the numbers down...
column 1:
7+5 = 12 = 1+2 = 3
5+1 = 6
1+2 = 3
2+4 = 6
4+8 = 12 = 1+2 = 3
column 2:
Column 3:
So we can see that 369 is the glue that binds everything together. Everything trisects between interdimensions.
a plane has 2 directions, but a cube adds a third.
Likewise...the 2 real numbers in one dimension have an unseen counterpart on a higher plane!
There are two straight lines to one curved!
there are also 2 curved lines to one straignt (|)
Look at the curved "eyes" on the flower of life = ()
Imagine a straight line intersecting it. Its not there in our reality...but the empty space is the solid on their plane...and the solid is the empty.
our (|) corresponds to their )|(
The other dimension is at a right angle to us.
Imagine a circle with a line through it (A diameter)
On Paper it looks like two half circles and one straight line:
But what if the line where a 3 dimensional half circle
and we were just seeing it along its thin edge
That would mean that all three lines were exactly the same
( | )
The only difference being that the middle line (the diameter) exists one dimension higher...yet is joined with and part of the whole object...and obeject that exists multidemensionally!
two on our plane = ( )
and one in the next = |
They intersect and we see it as (|)
remember....number number position....or should i say, number, number, "dimensional shift"....
heres the grid again
now 1/7 = .142857....repeating
and 2/7 and 3/7 and so on merely change the POSITIONS on those numbers...
(i.e. for example 2/7 = .285714...repeating)
Notice how they relate to our sequence above...
Clues.....many many clues.....
So regarding what I wrote earlier...That not only numberical value matters...but geometric position on the matrix matters as well...and that a given number value can indicate the "position" of the next number in a sequence (that in itself is astounding when you think about the level of information that is being encoded) and should clearly indicate a higher form of intelligence is behind this...
Lets look at our number path along the sequence above again...
And the divisions of 7....
1/7 = .142857...
2/7 = .285714...
3/7 = .428571...
4/7 = .571428...
6/7 = .714285...
7/7 = 1
(the step from 6/7 to 7/7 is amazing...notice that adding decimal values of 6/7 with 2/7 we actually get .9999 repeatig...or 1...yet from 6/7 to 7/7 we only should have increased 1/7 step, not 2/7....so why do we add 2/7 to get to one? Thats because if you begin by adding the 1/7 to 6/7 you will notice that you have to quickly carry a one that "Flips" the whole thing to 2/7 dueing the addition process...and yet from there you still have to carry a one that in turn gives you .9999 repeating which in reality actually solves to "1"....)
So again, in all our sequences above...same numbers (no 369) but all that changes is a rotation of position...the sequence changes but not the numbers. This is a vibrating cycle...the shifting of number positions is a sort of oscillation.
What is value of each position oscillating shift?
Well look at the values of the sevenths and their positions...
Follow the rabbit (starting at 1/7):
2 to the left
1 to the right
3 to the right
1 to the left
(And for 7/7 we get 2 flips...)
1 to the left +2 to the left=3 to the left
(then back to 1/7)
2 to the right
(But if you seperate out all the little steps you get: 21311232213113221311....)
If you map this...it makes a DNA double helix
Multiply it by three and what do you get:
But thats if we looked at this as a sort of AC/DC oscillating shift...what if we imaagine the shift to be only to the right or to the left...then we get something like this....
Going from 6/7to 7/7 is the big ALPHA shift...its where everythings jumps up to the next magnitude...but its also where everything Splits!
In the case of:
our Little dot .
becoming +
a big Alpha dot O
The jump/split from 1 to 2 (outer dot and inner dot) takes place at the jump between 6/7 and 7/7
.7 becomes 1.0....but 1 looks back on 7....it is the completion of the circle of 7's.
1 is the Alpha dot...and 7 is the Omega dot and they face each other....but we can reverse this as well...
7 as Alpha (beginning) and 1 as Omega (end) ... .7 to 1.0
in seven steps...0.1 shifts to 1.0
Omega actually means Great Circle/O in greek.
Look at the letter A (alpha)...It starts at a point at the top and branches out into two...yet the two are connected by a cross bar in the middle...they are one...It is a trinity of sorts...
A begets O
little dot begets big dot ... A+O
Its all contained within itself.
So getting back to the original sequence:
notice how they weave together...
784 to 875 (Flip the 87 and subtract 1)
512 to 421 (Subtract 100 and flip the 12)
248 to 157 (Subtract 100 add 10 subtract 1...or flip the 2/1, 4/5, 7/8)
Rotation within Rotation Within Rotation...A wheel within A wheel as Ezekial put it...Its all vibrating, its all interwoven...
Look How they share digits...
784 875 becomes 5784 (read it forward then backward)
512 421 becomes 5124 (read it forward then backward)
248 157 becomes 157842 (Everything mirrors all 6 numbers are contained either forward or backward)
This is a hexagonal rotational formation.
Its a woven fabric...a vibration cycling between numbers...
Repeating numbers never find their final resting place because they are always bouncing infinately between two places at once.
This is why the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanincs exsists...You can not know equally both position and momentum at the same time BECAUSE IT IS THE SAME OBJECT at BOTH PLACES SIMULTANEOUSLY!
if 9 = 5+4...then 9 is neither 4 nor 5 at any given time, but rather both at once....
It is merely itself vibrating back and forth between the two to give the whole.
NOW....remember metatrons cube?
When you look at it...you can see it as a hexagon, or envision it as a cube...but in your mind you cant really see it as both simultaneously...you have to envision the object as either 2d or 3d but not both...YET IT IS BOTH.
Your mind oscillates back and forth between 2d and 3d...a dimensional shift...your inner mind is actually switching its point of view...you are moving interdimensionally along the matrix....when you realize this...doors will suddenly begin to open for you and you will begin to see new things...
This is what an epiphany is...a move to a higher plane...an alpha shift...where your mind sees all the little pieces and puts them together to see the whole....the jump from .1 to 1.O
It is the great vibration of our very consciousness that allows this to happen.
-----------from a facebook post ( Jason Verbelli )
Turns out... that these grids are VEDIC SQUARE's - notice how little is on wikipedia?? Odd
0 + trinity = 3
3 + trinity = 6
6 + trinity = 9
trinity = three same numbers
37 = heart of wisdom
[link to www.biblewheel.com]
only 37 can create trinity numbers
(1+1+1) x 37 key = 111
(2+2+2) x 37 key = 222
(3+3+3) x 37 key = 333
(4+4+4) x 37 key = 444
(5+5+5) x 37 key = 555
(6+6+6) x 37 key = 666
(7+7+7) x 37 key = 777
(8+8+8) x 37 key = 888
(9+9+9) x 37 key = 999
(11+11+11) x 37 key = 1221
1221 = 12-21 = dec 21(last day of mayan calendar)
Quoting: rlc3764 4128887 3 + trinity = 6
6 + trinity = 9
trinity = three same numbers
37 = heart of wisdom
[link to www.biblewheel.com]
only 37 can create trinity numbers
(1+1+1) x 37 key = 111
(2+2+2) x 37 key = 222
(3+3+3) x 37 key = 333
(4+4+4) x 37 key = 444
(5+5+5) x 37 key = 555
(6+6+6) x 37 key = 666
(7+7+7) x 37 key = 777
(8+8+8) x 37 key = 888
(9+9+9) x 37 key = 999
(11+11+11) x 37 key = 1221
1221 = 12-21 = dec 21(last day of mayan calendar)
lot of interesting stuff here, but this is just crap. This "trinity" crap holds no true meaning, you're just altering numbers to fit whatever it is you want it to fit, in this case making 1221, with a bunch of other meaningless numbers before it.
The 3 6 9 stuff is good though, I'd recommend Marko Rodin to anyone who hasn't seen his vortex based mathematics, fascinating stuff.
3 +(3) = 6, 6+(3) = 9
(3)(3) = 33?
33---33---33---33---33---33---33(add down)
21st day of the 12th month
1221/trinity = 407
2112/trinity = 704
4th letter D
0 = O
7th letter G
407+704 = 1111
Given the first fact (1+1+1) x 37 key = 111 the following nine are obvious. Also the last one.
111 x 11 = 1221. 1111111 x 11 = 12222221 . Really there's just the one fact here: 3 x 37 = 111.
If this makes 37 some sort of a key, it must be pretty easy to become a lockpicker. Nature has better secrets than that.
It remains to be seen if 1221 has some deep significance. It's begging the question to say that lots of people are concerned about this date, if you mean all the people who are concerned because of the cute pattern.