Some playing with colours today...
...first on paper with some coloured pens... |
... Vedic Square where numbers replaced by colours according to chakra points... |
...Non-animated version...
...each colour represents a number, as per legend (count of number occurrences added)... the position of the coloured square is representing that number as if it were in the full grid as per below... |
...again, as per legend - colour = number... missing from the legend is 0... which is represented by the blank/white squares... |
Connecting across the grid -> Horizontally and Vertically -> same numbers
( I would like to attempt different manners of 'connecting' such as vertically, but the awesome reminder is here again... THIS IS JUST LAYER 1 :) )
Vedic Square links between like numbers | | |
Can't help but consider positive and negative space... let alone the 3D potential/aspects...
...STACKING...round 1!
The next piece... is the result of my first attempt at stacking this 2x2 grid... and my focus for output, was to identify each number individually, per layer - and pack them together to show what the birds eye view would look like... I would like to add - that I believe the method behind stacking in this case, is flawed, but already 'improved' my intentions with an alternative method that I will upload once I have it cleaned up... so by no means do I deem this to be 'the way' :) just something that took some manual time, that I have improved on/from :)
Looks nice nonetheless! Or? :)
Vedic Square 2x2 stacking results with method a - all output |
Vedic Square 2x2 stacking results with method a - layer by layer |
Layer 1/0 - I take this as the middle of the entire code from which layers stack above and below... |
Layer 2/1 |
Layer 3/2 |
Layer 4/3 |
Layer 5/4 |
Layer 6/5 |
Layer 7/6 |
Layer 8/7 |
Layer 9/8 |
The blank spaces... are because no numbers occur on that layer
for that according number...
Additonal note - because it would have taken up far too much space - I purposely left out the additional layers (of which are many) where the convergence to 9 and ultimately 0 occurs for each number past this point. That's right- it all ends up at 9->0.
(fyi - to convergence apex = 21 layers - 22 if you count the base as 0)
Again, I must add - this was an iffy method to get to this, very questionable with regards to the step from layer 1/0 to 2/1... you will notice if you look closely at the animation :)
What to do with this, where to go.... well my hope is for some 3D whiz, to present each number as a 3D image of all layers - to see the 'shape' or pattern that these layers present.
But ideally not for this method as I believe I have topped it with the next set that will be uploaded when I have the time to clean them in photoshop... cut and paste is what I mean by cleaning - as all work done in Excel! :)